Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Debate Over Essay Writing Topics English
The Debate Over Essay Writing Topics English In case you have any questions, you can get in touch with our friendly support team night and day and get immediate assistance. For growth-mindset folks, on the flip side, effort is the thing that makes you smart or talented. A team is waiting to do a lot of the work for those who want it the most. It's important to acquire decent excellent help in order to give yourself a good probability of landing the very best grade. Writing an essay may be a tedious and demanding task that could wind up occupying all of your time after school. Students want to learn how to synthesize knowledge based on these healthcare references. The ACT Writing test isn't bound to check your knowledge about a specific topic, but it's rather designed to assess your English writing skills. An individual should gather all the appropriate information regarding the assigned essay topic. The subject of the essay has to be clear in the very first paragraph. Wr iting a meaningful and well developed it not only requires proper knowledge about the topic but also asks for specialized writing skills that will allow the students to write a creative as well as meaningful essay. Fantastic job, you've completed your ideal essay. Getting able to come up with a logical essay about this issue at hand indicates that you're able to comprehend the issue that you are asked to deal with. Prepare an Outline With an aim to compose a brilliant essay one has to begin outlining or preparing the very first draft. As soon as you've written down the prompt you are going to want to get started doing whatever research is necessary for your ideal essay. There are thesis or dissertation papers which are waiting for somebody to publish. There's, obviously, a limit on the range of pages even our very best writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but generally, we figure out how to satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. 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It does take plenty of work to collect and gather all your notes and research, but when you sit down to compose the paper you will be extremely thankful you did! Then you'll move on to the remainder of your paper. The Hidden Truth About Essay Writing Topics English All sorts of essays require citations, so it's going to be a good idea to keep details about all your sources in 1 place. All the information and ideas regarding the topic ought to be arranged systematically. Try out another topic and do the identical 5-minute writing test till you locate a topic you know it is simple to write on. Because it is quite a bit less difficult to write about the intriguing subject than about the unfamiliar one. The Dirty Truth on Essay Writing Topics English As a result of this guarantee, the delivered order will incorporate all essential specifics. Even in the event the deadline is actually tight, feel free to get hold of our managers. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
John Locke The Defender Of Limited Government - 1462 Words
To many, John Locke is known as the defender of limited government. Locke’s limited government can be defined as one in which â€Å"a morally legitimate government coerces only those who freely and voluntarily consent to its authority†(Locke on Government, Arneson). Therefore, in Locke’s theory of politics, a government can only work if its people are consenting. Locke defines consent as either explicit or tacit. Explicit can be defined as obvious whereas tacit would fall under what is understood without being directly stated. For example, one would give explicit consent when signing up for the military and all the government would ask of them; yet on the other hand, one would express tacit consent by simply existing within the chosen state. To live in a state entails that certain laws and regulations must be abided by; however, one still has the ability choose to live in that state. In Locke’s perspective, a limited government is the only type that can w ork because of this idea of consent. According to Locke, humans are ‘free an equal’--therefore, all men are in common and consequently, all men have the ability to consent. This way of thinking is central to Locke’s theory of politics for several reasons. To summarize Locke’s view of government, there should be: a structure of laws, two Social Contracts, consent, legislative power, and an executive power. Locke believed that all men are in a â€Å"state of equality†as well as naturally in a â€Å"state of perfect freedom†(pg. 713).Show MoreRelatedJohn Locke : The Most Influential Philosophical And Political Thinker917 Words  | 4 PagesThe Key to Locke John Locke â€Å"proved to be the most influential philosophical and political thinker of the seventeenth century†(Kagen 213). He lived in a period of great political change; Locke’s upbringing came to influence his philosophies, and these ideas had much significance in regards to the Enlightenment. Locke was born on August 29, 1632 in Wrington, Somerset (John Locke 9: 478). Early on came the outbreak of the English Civil War. Anglican and possessing Puritan sympathies, Locke’s fatherRead MoreThe Morality Of The Market System897 Words  | 4 Pagesvarious systems currently in use. Two concepts are discussed one says that the business system should be planned; the other that it should be a free market system. Further the chapter discusses the various arguments for and against free markets and government regulation as well as the possibility of a hybrid mixed economy system. 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The state is thus to be neutral i n the religious and moral wars that rage over the point of human life and the detailed ways of lifeRead MoreRethinking Mercantalism Essay15042 Words  | 61 Pageseconomy and empire, the Warwick eighteenth-century seminar, the participants in the Yale/NYU workshop on political economy and empire, Amanda Behm, Maxine Berg, Trevor Burnard, Mara Caden, Megan Cherry, Justin duRivage, Avner Offer, Jim Robinson, John Shovlin, Abby Swingen, James Vaughn, and Carl Wennerlind for their comments on this article. 1 Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, ed. R. H. Campbell, A. S. Skinner, and W. B. Todd (Indianapolis, Ind., 1981)Read MoreLangston Hughes Research Paper25309 Words  | 102 Pagesher as a slave. Her first husband, Lewis Leary, was killed in 1859 at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, during John Browns raid on the federal arsenal. Throughout Mary Langstons life, she treasured Lewiss bullet-riddled shawl, an emblem of his martyrdom. She often covered young Langston with it as he slept on her daybed. Mary Langstons first husband, Lewis Leary, had participated in John Browns raid against the U.S. arsenal at Harpers Ferry. (Library of Congress) In 1869, Grandmother MaryRead MoreA Weapon for Self Defense: Criminal Law and Procedure3008 Words  | 13 PagesHobbes argues that although some may be stronger or more intelligent than others in their natural state, none are so strong as to be beyond a fear of violent death, which justifies self-defense as the highest necessity. In the Two Treatises of Government, John Locke asserts the reason why an owner would give up their autonomy: ...the enjoyment of the property he has in this state is very unsafe, very unsecure. This makes him willing to quit a condition, which, however free, is full of fears andRead MoreEssay Reveiw4144 Words  | 17 PagesRoyal Council in both Spain and England helped monarchs regulate legal affairs and economy but only to a limited extent. Louis XI in France was able to est. 1st national army and a bureaucracy/taxes (Taille and Gabelle) to support it. This was significant. 3. Label not warranted: Royal power did increase but not dramatically. Compared to absolutist monarchs, the new monarchs role was still limited. Not until the monarchies controlled the church did things actually change. Spain did create a â€Å"national
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Domestic Violence Is Not A New Phenomenon - 1547 Words
â€Å"I am living in hell from one day to the next. But there is nothing I can do to escape. I don t know where I would go if I did. I feel utterly powerless, and that feeling is my prison. I entered of my own free will, I locked the door, and I threw away the key.†(Haruki Murakami). In hell from one day to the next, this is the feeling that women who suffer domestic violence faces. Domestic violence can be classified as a standard of behavior in any relationship which is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. The abuse can be physical, sexual and emotional. Domestic violence is being a behavior problem which is used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often including the threat or use of violence. Domestic violence is not a new phenomenon in the past women were used to punish be. However, different types of feathers were compared to today. Decades ago, domestic violence was often seen as a way that h usbands used to rightfully correct their wives. At the same time, male violence posted questions to the the patriarchate, which is defined as the power of husbands and fathers over wives and children (a specific form of male dominance). The power accumulation threatened the integrity of the family, if the husband murdered or seriously injured his wife. In addition, the violence began to change the idea that marriage was based upon love or at least partnership and companionship. The ideal husband wasShow MoreRelatedDomestic Violence Is Not A New Phenomenon Essay1595 Words  | 7 PagesDomestic violence is not a new phenomenon. It holds a long standing in Western culture and is an ongoing societal problem claiming millions of victims each year. Early approaches to domestic violence was constructed under the 19th century English common law, believing that under such laws a man was permitted to discipline his wife through physical punishment. Michelle Collins (2012), notes that in or der to understand the impact society has on domestic violence or vice versa, it is important to defineRead MoreDomestic Violence: Case Analysis1236 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Domestic Violence: Case Analysis The exact definitions of domestic violence can vary but the two most common ones are as follows: first, Hubbard defines it as the emotional, physical, psychological or sexual abuse perpetrated against a person by that persons spouse, former spouse, partner, former partner, or by the other parent of a minor child. Abuse may include threats, harm, injury, harassment, control, terrorism, or damage to living beings or property (McCue, 2008). However, the OregonRead MoreThe Domestic Violence Act 1995 Essay1499 Words  | 6 PagesIn New Zealand, 1 in 4 woman will experience a form of intimate partner violence (IPV) throughout the course of their relationships (New Zealand Family Violence Clearhouse, 2015). The Domestic Violence Act 1995 (2014) defines violence in this instance as physical , sexual and psychological abuse. This abuse has a myriad of health consequences on all members of the whÄ nau, including children who witness or are subjected to this violence. The primary health c are (PHC) nurse has a range of responsibilitiesRead MoreThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On The United States930 Words  | 4 Pagesabuse. Although Domestic Violence is a well-known phenomenon, â€Å"Domestic Violence is a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often including the threat or use of violence†(Domestic Violence: Statistics Facts 2015). From 2003 to 2012, 21% of all violent crimes were caused by domestic violence and 15% of domestic violence was committed by an intimate partner (Morgan, R E. Truman, J L. 2014). Domestic violence is an importantRead MoreThe Problem of Domestic Violence1600 Words  | 7 Pagesexplained to him that I was there for the Annual Domestic Violence Conference and he said to me â€Å"We have that problem here?†I told him, â€Å"That problem is everywhere and actually one in three women will face abuse in one way or another in their lifetime.†I had just learned all of this information from attending this event. I started my role as a Victim Advocate only four days previous to this da y. I was not aware of the complete picture of domestic violence but I could relate this phenomena in beingRead MoreFamily Violence : A Serious Social Problem Essay1575 Words  | 7 PagesFamily violence is a serious social problem that affects many families around the world. It is defined by the University of Michigan as situation that occurs â€Å"when a person uses physical violence, coercion, threats, intimidation, isolation, stalking, emotional abuse, sexual abuse or economic abuse to control another partner in a relationship†(â€Å"Understanding Abuse†). This includes any kind of behaviour that might make the other person feel scared, threatened and fearful for their safety. AccordingRead MoreThe Relationship Between Gender and Domestic Violence1010 Words  | 5 PagesRelationship Between Gender and Domestic Violence Summary: This article discusses the relationship between gender and domestic violence. For many reasons, people commonly believe that domestic violence is more likely equal to wife abuse or woman abuse. But this prejudice is erroneous. On the one hand, because of the definition of domestic violence including dating or cohabitation and modern research finds that husbands as well as wives may be victims, domestic violence is not more likely equal to wifeRead MoreDomestic Violence : A Global Public Health Problem Of Epidemic Proportions, Requiring Urgent Action Essay899 Words  | 4 Pages â€Æ' Executive Summary 2 Introduction 2 Theoretical Frameworks 3 Defining Domestic Violence 5 A Brief History 6 International Comparisons 7 Discussion of Domestic Violence 9 References 10 Executive Summary This report will offer a review of Domestic Violence in Aotearoa/New Zealand. The ways in which this abuse occurs will be included as well as theoretical frameworks to aid in understanding the extent of this social problem. A review was issuedRead MoreDomestic Violence Against Women Essay974 Words  | 4 PagesDomestic abuse against women In her news article, the spokesperson for amnesty international describes domestic violence as a worldwide phenomenon that violates the human rights of female victims (Mite, 2005). In addition, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) described violence against women as â€Å"a global epidemic that kills, tortures, and maims – physically, psychologically, sexually and economically. It is one of the most pervasive of human rights violations, denying women and girlsRead MoreThe Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment1198 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Looking at what we know about the prevention of domestic violence and studies that have led to more affective practices in eliminating and preventing domestic violence with repeat offenders. The Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment, was just that an experiment by police to determine the effects of arrest versus separation of individuals involved in a domestic dispute. The Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment also led to experiments in other cities including Omaha Nebraska, Miami
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Master in Teaching Mathematical Terminology
Question: Discuss about theMaster in Teachingfor Mathematical Terminology. Answer: Part One Media Article 1: Description and Explanation of Mathematical Terminology The mathematical terminology used in the media article one is percentage. The article also used median mathematical tool. For example, in the article, it is indicated that median weekly asking rent in Melbournes for house hit four hundred dollars for a first time. The percentage is used where they yearly growth in rent for the houses, at 5.3 percent, outstripped units that surged 2.8%. The median unit rent remained steady at $370. Having acknowledged the use of both median and percentage as mathematical terminology in media article, we now turn into understanding what median and percentages are. Median Together with mean and mode, median is a kind of average. Median is one of the most common average in statistics. It is mostly encountered in the pre-statistics courses. The median describes the middle value in any given list of numbers. It is obtained by listing the numbers in the numerical order. Before obtaining the median, one must rewrite the list of numbers first. We can illustrate median using the following list of values. 21, 13, 13, 18, 14, 13, 14, 16, 13. To compute median for the above list of numbers, the first step is to rewrite the numbers in numerical order. This list then becomes13, 13, 13, 14, 16, 18, 21. Once the list has been rewritten, like in this case, we have nine numbers in the list. As it has been shown that median is the middle number. We get this by (9+1)/2=10/2=5th number. Therefore, the fifth number from the above list is 14 which then becomes the median. Median is significant in statistics since it is a representation of the center of a given set of data set. It can frequently provide two various stories regarding data particularly where the set of data entails outliers (extreme values). An outlier describes the statistical observation which is mathematically aloof from the other the data. It has the potential to skew the data mean, however, by means of the median, mathematicians can obtain an additional correct image of the true average or the central worth of a given data set. The median is used to measure the center of a numerical data set. An arithmetical median is such as the median of an interstate road. For example, on various roads, the median is the central and equivalent to the amount of lanes on either side of it. In the arithmetical data set, median gives the place at which there are an equivalent amount of data points whose values fall overhead as well as below the median value. Therefore, median is truthfully the central of the set of data. In case of a set of data with an odd number of the points, finding median will follow the above procedure by arranging the figures in order from the least to the biggest and then counting numbers The median shall become the one precisely in the mid, with an equivalent quantity of the numerous on each side of it. However, with an even amount of data points, one will obtain the median by calculating the median since no one number will fall in the center. In such a scenario, we begin by arranging the digits in ascending form and select the 2 mid figures provided as well as sum them up. We will eventually divide the result by 2 to get the median number. Percentage Percentage in mathematics means per 100 or for every 100 or out of 100. The symbol for percentage is (%). This symbol gives a quick way of writing a fraction with the denomination of 100. For example, in the above Media Article 1, the yearly growth in rent for houses, at 5.3% that surpassed units which surged 2.8%. This means that house rent grew 5.3 times for every 100 houses. The percentage can be expressed as decimals. This is done by moving the decimal part two places to the left. For example, 5.3% becomes o.053. In the same decimals can be expressed as percentage by moving the decimal point two places rightwards. Accordingly, 0.53 becomes 5.3%. The formula for calculating the percentage or for converting from the percentages remain relatively simple. For example, to convert a give fraction or decimal to percentage is done by multiplying by 100%. For example, 0.053, is converted to percentage by; 0.055*100=5.3%. A percentage can also be converted into a fraction by dividing by 100 and reducing the fraction as possible. For example 5.3%=5.3/100= 53/1000 However, there is a need to be wary of the common errors in the calculation of a percentage. As percentages are frequently thought of as parts of a larger whole item, there can be a tendency to divide instead of multiplying where one is faced with the problem like. Find 10% of 50. As the example below indicates, upon converting the percent to a decimal, the subsequent is to multiply, and not division. 50/0.1 =500 instead of 0.1*50=5 Understanding of percent enables the students to undertake effective estimation to check whether their solution is reasonable. In the example find 35% of 80, knowing that 35% is between one-quarter and one-half, would imply the solution needs to be somewhere between twenty and forty. Percentage is, therefore, in expressing growth or decline in a given phenomenon. Like in the media article 1, percentage has been used to showcase the growth in houses rent in Melbourne. Description of Major Conclusions The reasons for the surges were related to a number of factors. It is noted that with the December vacancy rates for the houses tightening from 1.8% to 1.7% over the month, tenants can anticipate more competition. Unit renters, nevertheless, have avoided the rise in price, with a vast volume of apartment constructions have kept the prices growth flat and vacancy rate high. Moreover, it is also due to the strong overseas as well as interstate migration besides enhanced Melbourne economy that creates more jobs leading to rising demand for the houses (Boseley, 2015). It was also concluded there was a reduced number of investors adding the rental stock due to the crackdown of Australian Prudential Regulation Authority on investor lending. It was also concluded that the increased demand for house in the east due to families wanting to reside in particular school zones. Moreover, this was also due to the investors who sold their properties after seeing the rates of interest surging and due to lower yields thereby decreasing supply. The landlords therefore can ask for increases in rent as there is a prospect for higher rents for the houses in Melbourne. The surges were also due to due to the tenants willing to pay six months rent upfront. The demand was fueled by individuals who had sold last years and hence they were looking to buy when the market cooled down. Whether Evidence is Convincing The evidence given in the article are convincing. This is because various industry experts have expressed the views based on analysis. Moreover, there are percentage increases shown in the Media Article 1. This demonstrates that they were drawn from real figures. Also, the study included such participants as tenants, landlords, regulators and property owners. The views of these groups have been effectively integrated in the analysis and this is convincing. Also, the factors given for the surges are real-world example. It is true that as people demand more of houses, with fixed supply of the same houses, the price will automatically increase due to economic forces of demand and supply. Nevertheless, there is a need to show the figures from which the percentage increases were drawn from. This additional information will make the information presented more convincing than it appears currently. This is because the source data from which the information is derive will make people easily compare past and the present more effectively than merely percentages and median used. Media Article 2: Description and Explanation of Mathematical Terminology As explained above in Media Article 1, Media Article used the mathematical terminologies like percentage. The percentage has been explained in the article one based on the meaning, how it is calculated and its important and hence the information in article one will serve this part. However, I will explain the specific use of percentage in Media Article 2. The report by the World Health Organizations International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that for every fifty gram (1.80-ounce) share of the meat that is processed consumed daily raised the colorectal cancers risk by eighteen percent. Description of Major Conclusions The first conclusion from Media Article 2 drawn from the IARCs research specialists is that for every fifty-gram (1.80-ounce) slice of the everyday consumed processed beef, the colorectal cancers risk increases by eighteen percent The study showed that the peril of developing cancer (colorectal) for a person remains small due to low consumption of the processed meat, but with the increase in the amount consumed, there is an increase the risk. The worldwide effect on incidence of cancer is of significance to the public health in understanding of the massive amount of individual who eat processed beef. Accordingly, the study ranked ham, bacon, and sausages together with cigarettes as chief causes of cancer thereby putting cure as well as processed beefs in one class as alcohol, tobacco, arsenic as well as asbestos. Whether Evidence is convincing The evidence presented in Media Article is convincing. This is because, the conclusion is drawn from the empirical evidence following the research undertaken by the WHOs IARC experts. Moreover, the findings are also supported by Doctors and Professor Time Key. Prof Key is renowned Cancer Research United Kingdoms epidemiologist in University of Oxford. He has supported the decision by IARC holding that there is sufficient and robust evidence to categorize processed beef as a cause of cancer while red beef categorized as likely cause of cancer. The Prof Key moves further to hold that it has long been known that there is a probable connection between red beef and processed beef and the cancer (bowel). Moreover, this knowledge is supported by considerable evidence. The research is supported by Doctor Kurt Straif who is the head of IARC monographs programme. This because the Dr. has shown effectively that the worldwide influence on cancer occurrence is a public health significance in view of huge amount of individuals who eat processed beef. The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has been advising individuals that processed beef is cancer peril. There is, therefore, sufficient evidence to categorize processed in same level as cigarettes. This is because the World Cancer Research Fund have shown that consuming products like ham, bacon, and salami should be in little amount less than 500 grams weekly to avoid cancer (ZhouJan, 2016). The decision also follows a year deliberations by international scientist moreover there is evidence that it will be welcomed by cancer researchers. This shows that the evidence given in the study is backed by effective investigation and this explains why it has taken the whole year. Nevertheless, there is a need for additional information to bring together all the stakeholders to accept the IACRs decision. This will give the decision a synergy that will help people embrace the decision and accept evidence-based health practices. There is a need for the IACRs to show that experimental and empirical study results so as to support their decisions. The WHO should also come undertake awareness campaigns focusing on the need to reduce the amount of processed meat consumed by the people. They should explain clearly whether there is a total ban on processed meat consumption or little amount being accepted since it seems people have not understand the implication of their decision to categorize processed meat in one category as cigarettes and red beef as likely cause of cancer. Part Two Completed Competency Test I have completed the numeracy test on written arithmetic and written data. I was tested in written questions being presented to me in a series of on-screen questions. I was able to use an on-screen calculator. The test specifically tested my ability to interpret and use written data. This test has helped have a comprehensive understanding of identifying trends correctly, making comparisons to draw conclusions, interpreting information accurately. The specific areas that I was tested included time, money, decimal, percentages, and fractions. The test also included such areas as ration and proportion, range, averages (mean, median and mode), using simple formulae and conversations. The test also included measurements like area and distance. Strength and Weaknesses The strength and weaknesses in this test are essential in enhancing my ability to identify numeracy opportunities across the curriculum. From the test, my strengths include correct identification of trends and effective comparisons to draw deductions. However, my weaknesses regards the interpretation of information accurately. Impacts of Strengths and Weakness By identifying trends correctly, I have an opportunity to identify the trends in the curriculums. This will help me know the effective ways of doing things including identifying me ability and areas that need improvement. The weakness I have, however, will not allow me to interpret the effects of these trends identified on my competency levels. This will impede my ability to solve my problems. My students will, therefore, have problems in applying whatever they have learned in school to real-world problems. This is because they will be able to identify their problems and opportunities around them but fail to interpret it correctly. In this, they will not have the right strategies to address their problems and explore their opportunities. Areas to Work On Some of the critical areas that I have decided to work on to improve the learning opportunities for my students include the interpretation and use of the written data. By working on this weaknesses, I will not only know how to interpret the data but also to use it correctly. In this case, I will be able to pass the knowledge effectively to my students who will then have the opportunities to apply whatever they have learned in class in real-life situation. In so doing, my students will be able to identify problems and opportunities across the curriculum and devise effective and relevant strategies to solve the problem by exploring the opportunities. I will, therefore, focus on such areas as percentages, conversions, proportions, decimals and measurement. The focus will to understand the meanings and uses of the mentioned areas. By understanding for example the meaning and uses of percentages, I will be able to know how to interpret the information presented as percentages. References Boseley, S. (2015). Processed meats rank alongside smoking as cancer causes WHO. The Guardian, 1-4. ZhouJan, C. (2016). Melbourne median house rent hits new high. The Age, 1-4.
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